¢º By using industrial-purpose electricity, you can benefit from the lower
    electric charge as compared to oil prices. (Click to view details.) 
¢º Unlike oil prices, electricity charges are not subject to sensitive price
  fluctuations, and are less affected by changes in currency exchange
¢º Electric boiler is cleaner and much safer, with no risk of explosion.
¢º Due to scale formation, oil boilers have a shorter lifespan.
  In comparison, Dong Yang Electric Steam Boiler will last for more than
  In 10 years.
¢º Electric steam boiler has a thermal efficiency of close to 100%
  because it does not have any boiler flue through which energy may
¢º Due to easy removal of scale, there is no need to chemical clean
  electric boiler.
¢º Installation is easy and electric boiler does not take up much space.
¢º Because electric boiler is single integrated units, steam is generated
  simply by plugging in and supplying water.
¢º Since electric boiler is inherently safe, installation and continued
  usage inspections from KEMCO is unnecessary.
¡ß Of course, there are certain drawbacks.
¢º An electricity supply equal to the boiler capacity must be secured.